Wednesday, April 11, 2007


A wise man once said, "When ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise." Unfortunately, I find it impossible to remain blissfully ignorant for too long. It's that indication that there might be a problem with my world view or some item of belief that sends me into a search to strip back the layers of error and clouded perception and view reality it full frontal clarity.

My journey, then, has so far taken me from a fundamentalist Christian upbringing into an Atheist/Agnostic period, to a search for meaning that resulted in returning to my fundamentalist denomination and becoming a Christian. However, my search did not end there and my journey sliced through the fundamentalism and into the more mainstream evangelical culture. Warning flags were constantly raised as I observed what I felt was overhyped programming and music and a tendency toward "selling" that bordered on manipulation. With the fall of a leading Evangelical leader and pastor, and the on-going parade of other Christian leaders attempting forays into politics and the influence of public policy, I've again become concerned. What exactly have I become a part of? What exactly are the objectives of these leaders when they lead boycotts of Disneyworld and Walmart because of homosexual friendly policies? What will become of the world should these leaders achieve their goals?

My recent - and more alarming - discovery is that science does indeed have a point: there are evidences that are unsettling to a fundamentalist, or Evangelical understanding of the Bible. Time does extend beyond 6,000 years. Way beyond. Not just a few thousand more years, but billions of years.

This blog has been started to chronical some of my experiences, discoveries, and conclusions - and to provide a vent outlet. Already I can detect in myself a growing anger and resentment, two very unhealthy and unproductive emotions. Yet the anger grows out of my discovery that much of what I have been taught in certain categories is simply unsustainable given the available scientific data.

I realize that this is going to be an interesting journey. Some might suggest that it is a descent rather than progress for me, but what it most certainly is is a journey from the darkness of age old misconceptions and beliefs into a more clear understanding of the facts. What will remain I can not at this time predict.

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